We are supported by Chiseldon Parish Council who provide the venue for our museum.
Chiseldon Local History Group
Chiseldon Local History Group was formed to record and preserve objects and information related to the Parish of Chiseldon and where possible to make this
available to the public either through publications or in our museum.
Replica Chiseldon cauldron
Finding the cauldrons
As it might have looked
Our next meeting is on Wednesday, 18 September 2024 in Holy Cross Church Hall, Butts Road, Chiseldon, SN4 0NN at 7.30pm when the subject is ‘Wiltshire – a journey through time’ presented by Nick Baxter. Nick is a regular speaker on local topics and always gives an entertaining talk with excellent photographs and illustrations. Nick will take us through our remarkable county’s history from extensive iron age structures to Saxon settlement by the Wilsaetan people, to the importance of Salisbury in the middle ages to the opening of the M4. Everyone attending will certainly learn something new about Wiltshire!
Chiseldon Museum, which is open every Saturday afternoon until September, has an exhibition of photographs of Kate Tryon's paintings. Kate was an American landscape artist who lived and worked locally and was an admirer and colleague of Richard Jefferies. The paintings are representations of local cottages and landmarks around Chiseldon and Coate.
If you enjoy history, particularly local history, why not join Chiseldon Local History Group!
Come and join one of our meetings in Holy Cross Church Hall, Butts Road, Chiseldon, SN4 0NN
at 7.30pm on the third Wednesday of each month (except for August and December).
Annual membership is £20. If you are a visitor, there is a charge of £5 per meeting.
For our programme of speakers, please see Programme page.
The Museum is now open every Saturday, from 2pm until 4pm
until the end of September 2024
Our new publication
A Walk Around Old Chiseldon
is available for purchase at our
regular meetings and is also available
in our local shops.