We are supported by Chiseldon Parish Council who provide the venue for our museum.
Chiseldon Local History Group
Chiseldon Local History Group was formed to record and preserve objects and information related to the Parish of Chiseldon and where possible to make this
available to the public either through publications or in our museum.

Replica Chiseldon cauldron
Finding the cauldrons

As it might have looked
Our next meeting is on Wednesday 19th February 2025 in the Church Hall, Butts Rd, SN4 0NN at 7.30 p.m. when the subject is “The River at War” presented by Bill King. Bill will tell us why the River Thames had such a strategic role to play in World War 2. Between 1940 and 1945 London suffered 253 night-time raids and 101 daytime raids by the German Luftwaffe, with 80,000 casualties. Even during night-time black-outs the bomber navigators could easily identify their target due to the distinctive shape of the River Thames. The Nazis knew of the huge importance of the Port of London to Britain’s economy and therefore London’s docks were a key target. What is almost forgotten, indeed, was almost unknown at the time, was the work of Thames-Flood (the Thames-Flood Prevention Emergency Repairs service), the London County Council’s rapid response unit. London is low-lying, some of it below the level of the Thames at the highest tides. Furthermore, the metropolis has much infrastructure and accommodation below ground, including basements, the Underground system, much of the electricity and telephone network, and drinking water supplies and sewers. The river is held in check by embankments. If they were breached there would have been a catastrophe. The work of this organisation was essential in keeping the capital functional.
Our March meeting is on Wednesday 19th March 2025 in the Church Hall, Butts Rd, SN4 0NN at 7.30 p.m. when the subject is “Nightmare at Scapa Flow” presented by Bob Rogers. The battleship HMS Royal Oak was lost in Scapa Flow, the ‘impregnable’ main anchorage of the Home Fleet, on the night of October 13–14, 1939. Scapa Flow was a very well defended anchorage with only seven entry points, four well defended and three undefended but blocked with sunken block ships. The German Navy thought there were many ships at anchor there and decided to attempt a raid. Royal Oak was attacked by submarine U47 and sank within 15 minutes with the loss of 833 from a crew of 1,234 men and boys. Bob will give us an account of the events leading up to and including the night of the sinking, illustrated with photographs and video accounts from some of the survivors. The wreck is now a designated war grave. In an annual ceremony marking the loss of the ship, Royal Navy divers place a White Ensign underwater at her stern.
If you have not yet purchased your 2025 calendar - sorry but they are all gone!
The calendar will be back again next year so look out for details and order early!
The photographs featured in the 2025 calendar (and 2024) were taken by a very talented local lady. Not sure yet what the subject will be in 2026 but bound to be spectacular if she is involved.
Thank you Claire.

If you enjoy history, particularly local history, why not join Chiseldon Local History Group!
Come and join one of our meetings in Holy Cross Church Hall, Butts Road, Chiseldon, SN4 0NN
at 7.30pm on the third Wednesday of each month (except for August and December).
Annual membership is £20. If you are a visitor, there is a charge of £5 per meeting.
For our programme of speakers, please see Programme page.